- Canadian Tamil Congress

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The S.J.V. Chelvanayakam Memorial Lecture, in recognition of his 125th Birth Anniversary was organized by the Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) with the support of University of Toronto on Thursday April 13th 2023: 6:30 PM at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC). Main speakers for the memorial lecture included Prof. David Cameron, University of Toronto Scarborough and Prof. Ashwini Vasanthakumar, Queen’s Law School.

This year, the 14th annual Tamil Canadian Walk-a-thon raised funds to provide life saving medical supplies to 6 hospitals across Sri Lanka. The first shipment of medicine supplies organized by the Canadian Tamil Congress was handed over to the Tellipalai Trail Cancer Hospital on Tuesday December 20th 2022: The second shipment of medical supplies was handed over to the Batticaloa teaching hospital today, Wednesday April 12th 2023.

Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) hosted a press conference to launch the G.U. Pope Monument Campaign in Canada and seek support for the Anbudan Thamil Music Concert. The press conference was held on Monday April 10th 2023 at the Canadian Tamil Chamber of Commerce (CTCC) office in Markham.

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