- Candle Bee Farm | Nature Tails | It's a Lifestyle | Notes from Heidi: Natural Living, the Honey Bees & Animal Rearing

Description: Notes from Heidi: Natural Living, the Honey Bees & Animal Rearing

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April 15, 2013 by candlebee

Honey bees and children love the lowly dandelions. The wise honey bees eagerly work the succulent spring blooms. They choose the healthiest, most advantageous flora for the most nutrition and benefit after an exhausting winter. The dandelion is high on their list. We humans should take heed and learn.

It is amazing that humans spend money on toxic poisons to rid their lawns of these pretty yellow flowers. Then they spend more money at the health food store buying supplements that would have been available free from the dandelions they have eradicated. Who decided that the dandelion was a useless weed? Was it because it grows so easily it could not be exploited for profit?

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