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Cantonese language, more properly called Yue language (粵語), commonly called 白話 by Cantonese people, is formally defined as a Yue dialect (粵方言), and is one of the most famous Chinese dialects. Its fame is also due to the fact that is the dialect spoken in South China, therefore in the part of China that has historically been an important place of commercial contact with the rest of the world.
The areas where it is spoken are the whole Province of 廣東 and the South of 廣西: it is important to note that nowadays in these provinces live also many Chinese who are not Cantonese and that do not speak the language, or cannot speak it well. As 粵語 we shall consider all those dialects, on the whole quite similar, spoken in South China and indicated as 廣府片, 四邑片, 羅廣片, 高陽片, 吳化片, 邕潯片, 梧州片, 勾漏片, 欽廉片.
The Italian-Cantonese/English-Cantonese Dictionary is the only dictionary in the world to present together characters, Yale romanization and explanation of the terms, listed in alphabetical order by pronunciation together with the index of Italian or English words, and search index by characters.