- 石嘴山凰闪影院有限公司

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上??棄?8科技有限公司系上海裝飾裝修行業協會會員單位、上海市裝飾裝修資質單位、上海市綠色健康裝潢定點檢測單位,主要從事住宅、商業空間、寫字樓、別墅的裝飾設計與施工。 公司擁有一批資深的設計人員和經驗豐富的施工隊。

Shanghai DEDE58 technology co., LTD is a Shanghai decoration industry association member units, the Shanghai decoration qualification units, the Shanghai green health decoration fixed-point detection units, mainly engaged in residential, The company has a group of senior designers and experienced construction team.

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