Description: Carl Anderson provides therapeutic massage therapy in Seattle, WA. Specialties include Deep Tissue, NeuroMuscular Therapy, Swedish Massage, IntraOral Massage, Jin Shin, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, and Scalar Wave Lasers.
service (31513) health (21526) massage (15790) alternative (3110) holistic (2393) · (2066) ·
Hours & Rates
Covid-19 Notice: I am open for business. However, due to the Coronavirus Epidemic, I am screening clients. Please do not schedule unless you are healthy to the best of your knowledge and have been wearing a mask and social distancing in public. I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccines and booster. I f you are fully vaccinated for Covid-19 with the Johnson & Johnson, both Pfizer, or both Moderna vaccines, we can shed our masks. Otherwise, we both will be required to wear masks. Thank you for your und