- The Official home of Carl Kilvington Internet Marketer,

Description: Social Media Pro and ecommerce for small businesses

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(You're likely to be an Entrepreneur, Start-up, Owner or Leader whose eager to progress personally & profitably)

Hello, I'm Carl Kilvington. Over the past 36 years, I've learned a lot of lessons from failure (of others as well as my own) Why am I beginning by admitting I've had failures? Surely I should be telling you that I've always managed to avoid failing and that I'm the only one to help you? NO, that would be a lie. The truth is that we succeed NOT by avoiding failure but because of failure. If you don't give yourself permission to fail, you also prevent yourself from trying. And it's by trying, failing, learnin

because... "We don't know what we don't know, but when we know better, we're able to do better...MUCH better"