Increasing number of students are in risk of dropping out from VET schools nowadays in Europe. The aim of CARMA project is to empower teachers from partner countries (Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria) and beyond to deliver career guidance and foster the development of career management skills among VET students in order to prevent early school leaving, increase motivation and attainment levels as well as employability. To reach this, a 5-member international consortium, which represents 3 countries (Hungary, F
Klett Group is one of the leading European publishing groups in the field of education and training. The company has established itself as a prominent provider of a variety of educational products, focusing on development of learning materials for school leaders, teachers and students. Our aim is to continuously support teachers and education leaders through conducting school teacher/headmasters accredited trainings and conferences, development of subscription-based reference books, consultancy in process d
Additionally we have developed and maintain a VET-oriented website, i.e., which is targeting the vocational sector stakeholders. The format is a 12-page monthly magazine, developed in cooperation with the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On our specialised electronic page, we also offer our end-users to ask VET-related questions, which are answered by a team of leading national experts. Annually, we organise the largest national school start conference for school leader