- Carol Foo 珍 ALIVE & KICKING! | A Celebration of Faith, Life & Creativity

Description: A Celebration of Faith, Life & Creativity

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To my beloved Heavenly Father on Fathers’ Day 2015

I am so thankful for Your goodness and faithfulness. By Your grace and with Your love, You’ve brought me to a place of such solid security in You that I’m blessed with a core of deep peace that surpasses understanding. What a treasure of a gift to be anchored in You—unshaken by situations and circumstances, content to listen to Your heartbeat and simply obey my Lord and God. You give me a constant song of joy and praise that stirs up a passion to help others reach the same unflinching faith and rootedness i

A gentle easing into blogging again after a year of extensive travels and intense experiences. Here are several links that are a blessing to me.