Description: We built the foundation of our company on a simple philosophy:
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We proudly offer the time-honored traditional cremation using state of the art equipment and controls to monitor and ensure an efficient and responsible process without chemicals or added solutions. We built the foundation of our company on a simple philosophy: "Deliver what you promise with dignity, respect and understanding." Having worked in the veterinary services field for 37 years, we know the importance of this philosophy. We understand the confidence and trust you place with us in handling your pet'
We will be working limited hours Dec. 25 - Dec. 29 as we celebrate the Christmas season. Please call our regular number (919-787-4334) to check our availability on these days.Thank you, the staff at Carolina Pet Cremation
Our normal business hours are 7:30AM - 7:30PM Monday–Friday by appointment. We gladly return calls after hours. Weekend hours vary so please call to confirm our availability.