Description: Art by Caroline Caroline Ann Duncan is a Scottish Artist living in Aberdeen City.Since leaving School in the 80's with an A in Art & Design and 6th year Studies Art, Caroline has enjoyed many years painting and exhibiting. She worked in Finance for major Oil Companies but recently left her career to have family. She is also part of the Forecourt Art Group and Deeside Artists.She displays her Artwork in and around Aberdeen in shops, galleries and hotels.
art (57129) painting (14252) artists (5300) scotland (4708) oils (998) aberdeen (748) caroline (271) scottish art (43) scottish artists (12) caroline duncan (1)
Caroline Ann Duncan is a Scottish Artist living in Aberdeen City. Since leaving School in the 80's with an A in Art & Design and 6th year Studies Art, Caroline has enjoyed many years painting and exhibiting. She worked in Finance for major Oil Companies but recently left her career to have family. She is also part of the Forecourt Art Group and Deeside Artists. She displays her Artwork in and around Aberdeen in shops, galleries and hotels.