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Carolinian House Very spacious and luxurious retreat home  

Looking for a  Ultimate Luxury  destination in South Western Ontario, look no further than our Carolinian Carriage House-Loft located outside Rondeau Provincial park on the north shore of Lake Erie. The structure is surrounded by water and trees and is newly constructed in the spring of 2016. It is situated next to a wooded area that fronts onto one of the best beaches in Ontario !

Rondeau Provincial Park, Nestled deep within the heart of Carolinian Canada lies Ontario's second oldest Provincial Park. Formed in 1894, Rondeau Provincial Park remains one of the crown jewels of the Ontario Parks system. Rondeau's Carolinian forests are home to such southern species as Tulip-tree, Sasafras, Virginia Oppossum, Yellow-breasted Chat, Southern flying Squirrel and the endangered Prothonotary Warbler. Occasionally you might also see Kirtland’s Warbler, Townsend’s Warbler, Blue Grosbeak and the