- Cartagena Hotels and Travel Guide

Description: Your guide to Cartagena Colombia - Hotels, apartments, restaurants, bars, clubs sites and general travel information.

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Welcome to Cartagena de Indias Colombia. This city of 900,000 has almost 500 years of extraordinary history and is one of the most beautiful cities in Colombia. Cartagena was named after Cartagena, Spain, which takes its name from the ancient city of Carthage.

In 1498, Christopher Columbus passed near these shores without anchoring. Some years later, Don Rodrigo de Bastidas discovered the entire Atlantic coast, and Peralonso Nunes and Cristobal Guerra anchored for the first time in Cartagena bay.

In mid 1533, Pedro de Heredia built a settlement in the small native village of Calamari which later became Cartagena. Over the next 10 years, Cartagena had grown into a prosperous Spanish outpost due to exporting gold and other riches, and also was a trading port for ships making their way from Peru to Cuba, then sailing their bounty back to Spain. Unfortunately, Cartagena was reduced to ashes in 1552. Following this Governor de Heredia prohibited building with materials other than bricks, roof tiles, ston

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