Description: CASI is the all-new personalised security app that comes with the country’s first mobile panic button and country-wide coverage. Once activated the CASI app broadcasts your location to all the nearest responding partners as well as our 24 hour Command Centre that can track you in real time and assist the responder by providing them with all the required information. Our armed responders will be notified of nearby emergencies as well as be navigated to the location of the smartphone that has activated the pa

security (10094) button (437) casi (26) help me (22) saftey (12) casy (8) security app (7) livx (1) location help (1) security button (1)

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Once activated the CASI app broadcasts your location to all the nearest responding partners as well as our 24 hour Command Centre that can track you in real time and assist the responder by providing them with all the required information.

Our armed responders will be notified of nearby emergencies as well as be navigated to the location of the smartphone that has activated the panic. On arrival the completion will be validated with a unique code.

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