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The Catholic Hospitality Training Institute exists to empower parishes for the work of evangelization. From transforming the environment of the parish office to using the right words when interacting with guests and parishioners, we equip staff members to make the parish an irresistible welcoming environment. Simply, we empower church employees to share Jesus Christ.

Parish, school, and diocesan support staff have a unique capacity to evangelize. Often times the first 3 minutes a visitor spends with the person of first contact in the parish decides whether they will stay at the parish or leave.

Through our unique one day hospitality training your first contact staff, such as administrative assistants, business managers, custodians, ushers, principals, Christian charity coordinators, and event planners will be evangelized and prepared to receive others in the name of Jesus Christ. Additionally, the Catholic Hospitality Training Institute provides ongoing training and materials that can be shared with the entire staff.

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