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Of course I do it every year don’t I?  Hate them!  Just setting myself up to fail! Somehow though can’t help it, is like painful ritual that marks the passing from one year to the next, you know you’ll think about them, you’ll make some and you know you’ll fail.

In December had loads of them, loose weight, adopt perfect healthy eating habits, become super Mum, turn into a Delia Smith/Martha Stewart domestic Goddess, learn everything there is to know about Linux operating system, write a book, become amazing world famous photographer, blog so well win some kind of literary award, teach Spanish, start running (staggering) again, win lottery, oh the list was endless.  All seemed perfectly reasonable before Christmas and of course all had to be put on hold until after

Realise it is now February.  Um well slightly behind schedule on a few of them, well most of them, well alright haven’t started.  Really though is just too hard to start January, too much pressure, couldnt take it, crumbled.  Poked a bit at the healthy eating and diet resolutions and managed to gain weight, well not really my fault cos loads of leftovers and can’t waste them (of course ended up going to waist anyway) but you know what I mean.  So now February and really trying to pull myself together.  Febr