- C A T R E E B O O K S

Description: scientific and historical fiction books for fifth to eighth grade students, books incorporate real scientific concepts, written by teachers with years of experience, best STEM, science, technology, engineering and math, chapter books with real-life content. Title Emmet's Storm, Peppino Good as Bread, Peppino and the Streets of Gold.

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For kids who "don't like science" a series that will change their mind.

Children's Book Council

Emmet Roche is an odd ball, a whippersnapper, a genius. His failed science experiments caused such ruckus he's being shipped out to the country school. Nobody there likes or understands him. When the blizzard of 1888 hits, snowing sideways, will anyone listen to his ideas about the flame color in the stove? And the headaches and dizziness? Will they take his advice before it's too late?

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