- Cave Junction, Oregon Community Information

Description: Cave Junction is located in the Siskiyou Mountain Range of Southwest Oregon. It is the commercial, service, and cultural center for a rural community.

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ave Junction is a small town. It is the Gateway to the Oregon Caves National Monument and the commercial, service, and cultural center for a rural community of small farms, woodlots, crafts people, and families just living apart from the crowds. The valley we live in is in the basin of the Illinois River Valley and its tributaries. It is nestled in the mountains known as the Siskiyous in the Klamath Range at an elevation of about 1329 ft. We are directly west of the Medford/Ashland metro area and about half

The average temperature in January is 33F and in July 90F and rainfall amounts to about 61 inches a year. The sun shines 196 days and it rains 108 days on average. The Illinois Valley is frequently referred to as the "banana belt" of Oregon. It is fast becoming a favorite year-round vacation land . Here you can enjoy the spectacular beauty of the many rivers, streams, and public forest lands available for hiking, backpacking, fishing and hunting. This picturesque valley lies halfway between Grants Pass and

There is a considerable amount of information on the Illinois River Valley available at this website, but if you can't find what you are looking for contact the Chamber of Commerce at the address or telephone number listed below. For information about tourist attractions in the Illinois Valley please visit the TOURISM PAGE .

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