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Description: Cawarden Flooring : 01889 574066, New and Reclaimed Flooring, Doors, Fireplaces, Radiators, Internal and External fitments

flooring (3595) oak (751) pine (329) reclaimed flooring (16) cawarden (2) new oak flooring (2)

Example domain paragraphs

CAWARDEN Beams provide a full range of beams from new oak and pine, sized to your requirments, as well as reclaimed oak and pine beams from a a varity of sources such as canal lock gates, statley homes and many others, Beams can be supplied, sawn,blasted, planed, polished or waxed ..... more

CAWARDEN Beams and Flooring provide all your needs for timber in the home, from specially engineered oak flooring suitable for underfloor heating systems, Multi layered engineered oak flooring 6mm top layer bonded with high quality ply to avoid shrinkage and movement, finished to the highest standard. Hard wearing and can be sanded or refinished multi times ..... more

Cawarden Beams and Flooring. Part of the Cawarden Brick Co Ltd Group. New and reclaimed bricks,tiles,beams,flooring etc etc.