Description: {{company_name}} steht für qualifizierte Unternehmensberatung. Wir betreuen und unterstützen Sie bei sämtlichen Abläufen und Strukturen Ihres Unternehmens.
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cayla consulting group is an i nternational hands-on management consulting company focusing on initiating, supporting and/or managing strategic and operational changes. Our business solutions are offered across Europe, Southeast Asia, North America as well as the Middle East. We combine the methodical competences of a management + strategy consultancy with the in-depth business know-how and sector expertise of successful + experienced senior executives.
who we are
cayla group's team is composed exclusively of senior partners with extensive managerial experience including managing situations requiring important changes and improvements of financial results. This experience includes relevant industry sector knowledge as well as the ability to add value to organisations by delivering managerial excellence.