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Well. I’m officially in my thirties (?!). We celebrated with a trip to the East Coast, where we spent a weekend in Providence, RI and then a week in NYC the week following. We somehow always miss the crispy, fall leaves when we’re there, but I can’t overly fault the weather because the trip had a particularly warm & fuzzy forecast, serving as a reunion with Drew’s family and several NY friends we hadn’t seen since 2019.

Upon our return, we really doubled down on “growing up” and signed a lease for our first apartment together – just the two of us. It’s a 3 BR a few miles from our current apartment, where Drew & I will each have our own office (a WFH luxury) and Molly will still have premiere Golden Gate park access. It’s where we’ll live when we get married and not only does it return us to a Domino’s delivery radius, but is in an overwhelmingly Asian American community that exponentially upgrades our takeout options (and

We’ll move in November, and while I’m eager to get settled, I’m less eager for the supply chain crisis that couldn’t possibly be worse-timed, especially with a move involving two more rooms than we currently have furniture for. Oh well! That’s showbiz, baby.