cbtofnyc.com - CBT Therapy, Therapist in Princeton, NJ | New York City (NYC) | Therapy for Children, Teens, Parents and Adults

Description: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and disorder treatment from CBT Therapist - therapy for kids, teens, and adults - Specialist Anna Breytman, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist - located on New York's Upper West Side and in Princeton, New Jersey.

therapist (4144) treatment (2765) psychology (2742) psychologist (2188) cbt (1007) behavior (598) techniques (372) cognitive (269) cognitive-behavioral (44) therapy new york city (2)

Example domain paragraphs

During this time of uncertainty and difficulty I am more aware than ever of the importance of our emotional well-being. I am committed to providing the highest level of care to my patients. To this end, I am continuing to offer ongoing therapy sessions remotely and with secure video conferencing and telephone . In addition, I am available for new patient consultations. Treatment strategies include cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals, family sessions focused on parenting issues, coping and support.

In addition to telehealth services, in-person sessions are available at both offices ( NYC and Princeton).

Highlights from Dr. Breytman’s Blog