cbwc.org.uk - Castle Baynard

Description: Castle Baynard Ward Club - Our Club was founded in 1909 by Sir Thomas Vansittart Bowater Bt, Lord Mayor 1913/14 and for many years a Member of Parliament for the City of London. Historically the Club�s objectives lay in protecting the ward�s interests and enabling members to meet their elected councillors in the City of London Corporation.

city of london (84) cbwc (2) baynard (1) castle baynard (1) castle baynard ward club (1) ward club (1) lord mayor london (1) corporation of london (1)

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Welcome! This web site provides information about the Club, the Ward and its history, and contains links to other sources of information.  We hope the information here is useful and interesting to all our visitors. If you would like further information about how to join, details are included in the Membership section. Our City ward members team website can be found at this location .

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Our Events Calendar and pictures including the Club’s recent visit to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. .