- Common Criteria Evaluations - atsec information security

Description: atsec has extensive experience with Common Criteria evaluations. We are an accredited CC laboratory under BSI, NIAP, CSEC, OCSI and CSA.

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What atsec Offers atsec has extensive experience with Common Criteria projects. Please take a look at our list of successful Common Criteria evaluations . Only a limited number of Common Criteria laboratories worldwide are officially accredited and licensed to perform evaluations based on the Common Criteria standard. atsec offers a full range of services to meet your needs in planning and pursuing a Common Criteria evaluation:

Why Our Services are Important to You The evaluation of technical components and products against internationally-accepted, standardized criteria allows companies to objectively demonstrate the reliability of its security functionality.

The Common Criteria (CC) and the internationally-recognized ISO standard ( ISO/IEC 15408 ) is used by governments and other organizations to assess security and assurance of information technology products. The CC standard provides a uniform way of expressing security requirements and defines a set of rigorous criteria by which a product’s security aspects (for example, development environment, security functionality, and handling of security vulnerabilities) can be meaningfully evaluated.