- GEMZ Study | A Clinical Research Study

Description: The GEMZ is currently seeking volunteers to participate in a clinical study for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD).

trial (802) epilepsy (212) clinical trial (176) cdd (95) clinical study (44) cdkl5 (7) cdkl5 deficiency disorder (4) motor seizures (4) cdd clinical study (4) cdd trial (4)

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Find out more about the FAiRE research study for CDD.

Fenfluramine has been tested in patients with two other types of epilepsy, one called Dravet Syndrome and the other called Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS). Based on the positive safety and efficacy results from these studies, fenfluramine is now approved for Dravet syndrome in the US and several other countries, and it is currently under regulatory review for LGS approval. As a result of the previous clinical studies it is thought that Fenfluramine may work in two ways. First, it causes the release of seroton

There has been some limited previous clinical trial testing of how fenfluramine works to control seizures involving six patients between 2 and 26 years of age who had CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) and were treated with fenfluramine for an average of about 5 months. The results of this trial were promising in that these patients experienced a decrease in the number of seizures they had compared to when they began treatment.