Description: Corona Del Mar, CA Florist | Corona Del Mar Florist Provides Same Day Flower Delivery On Stunning Flower Arrangements For All Occasions, Celebrate Florals With Bouquets, Long Stem Roses, Garden Roses, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Love and Romance, Funeral Flowers, Sympathy, Prom Flowers, Plants, Dish Gardens, And Much More In Corona Del Mar, CA And 92625, And Surrounding Areas! Call Us To Place Your Order at 949-673-8270 or Order Flowers Online Anytime!
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Corona Del Mar Florist is a creative floral boutique. What first started as a traditional local flower shop, has grown to become a full-service florist with mastery in not only every-day orders and occasions, but in custom arrangements for the most important events of our client's lives.
A beautiful and thoughtful flower arrangement can evoke so many feelings, and can also communicate the perfect message without even using words. From the complexity of a multi-texture arrangement to the simplicity of a vase filled with a single type of bloom, flowers always bring out a smile and positive feeling.
Each floral designer at Corona Del Mar Florist has a unique floral expertise. Our boutique is dedicated to creating the perfect arrangement for any occasion by offering unique custom designs made with blooms of the highest quality from all over the world.