cedarridgecontractingllc.com - Cedar Ridge Roofing | Wisconsin Roofing Companies | Southern Wisconsin

Description: Cedar Ridge Roofing is your trusted roofing company of Southern Wisconsin

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The biggest thing that sets us apart from other companies is our Equipter 4000.  It's an innovative debris management buggy that takes the ground mess out of debris removal. 

Debris removal is one of the messiest parts of the whole project. This unit is a self-propelled, drivable dumpster that has extra large tires so it does not create any protrusions in anyone's lawn. Not only does the equipter  have the capability of driving around the house it also lifts up to the roof line so no shingles or debris hits the ground, siding, windows, gardens, flowers or anything else for that matter. Once the equipter is full we drive it out to the street and dump it in a dumpster that we brou

     See Our    Roofing Services! "I was so blessed to have Aaron come look at my roof leaks.