cehn-healthykids.org - Children’s Environmental Health Network

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Many parents know that loud noise can hurt a child’s hearing. Very loud sounds — from fireworks or firearms, for example — can cause immediate damage. Using personal listening devices for music, videos and classes can also cause damage if they’re too loud. But we are also learning that too-noisy environments can have harmful effects […]

Six reasons to protect babies and children from air pollution Their lungs are still developing, and air pollution can interfere with this biological process Their bodies are less able to metabolize, detoxify, and excrete the toxicants contained in air pollution Their brains are still developing, and neurotoxic compounds in air pollution can affect children’s cognitive […]

PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Adults know good and well if we don’t change our habits the planet is going to suffer even more than it already has. The importance of preserving and protecting the beauty of nature isn’t just about the trees and birds, but it is also paramount to human survival. Without humans the earth’s […]