ceisiwrserith.com - Ceisiwr Serith's Homepage ->Index

Description: This is the web site of Ceisiwr Serith

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Main Page &nbsp &nbsp Proto Indo-European (PIE) Religion &nbsp &nbsp Wicca &nbsp &nbsp Mithraism &nbsp &nbsp Ritual &nbsp &nbsp Tuadem &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Back to the Beginnings &nbsp Nuit &nbsp   Dedicant's Program     Prayers &nbsp &nbsp Suggested Reading &nbsp &nbsp Suggested Links &nbsp Paganism &nbsp &nbsp About Me &nbsp &nbsp Publications &nbsp &nbsp My Calendar &nbsp American Paganism &nbsp And The Rest &nbsp Contact Me &nbsp

Welcome to my website! On it you will find much of what I do and am (if there is a difference; sometimes I wonder). There are excerpts from books, both published and unpublished, stories, essays, and rituals. Lots of ritual, in fact, including prayers. My books on prayer may be what brought you here, where you will find some of the prayers I’ve written since my most recent book on them. Maybe some day they’ll all be part of a third book. Or maybe I’ll even achieve one of my fondest dreams, and be able to co

This website is the property of Ceisiwr Serith . Copyright 2003 Ceisiwr Serith. All world wide rights reserved. var example example=document.lastModified document.write("This page was last modified: "+example) Site design by Greaghoir MacIain

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