celebratethewest.com - Home Page

Description: Home Page: Author's website for the western trivia book Barbed Wire, Windmills, & Sixguns. Describes the book and includes photos of the American West. Great reference book for fans of the Old West.

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“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” —The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 1962

This book is a must-have reference for western writers and Old West re-enactors. It’s a book for western fans who want to relax in their favorite chair and discover hundreds of interesting lists, fascinating stories, historical events, unusual people, and special places relating to the American West. This book will entertain and educate in the ways of the Wild West and Hollywood’s interpretation of it.     

Other books by Don Kirk available at this website: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/sweetwater

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