celebritiesconfessions.com - Celebrities Confessions - My Life With The Stars - Best, Ali and the Panties. No. 2 in Amazon Top 100 Books List

Description: The official website of author and former journalist Tony Flood and his celebrities' confessions book My Life With The Stars - Best, Ali and the Panties plus his new crime thriller Triple Tease

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SPECIAL OFFER OF SPICY THRILLER TRIPLE TEASE Tony Flood's spicy crime thriller Triple Tease, which has received glowing endorsements from best selling authors Peter James and Tamara McKinley, actor Brian Capron, of Coronation Street fame, and THE SUN newspaper's Stuart Pink, has been updated with a NEW cover, extra chapter and at a special reduced price. It is £1.77 for the e-version and £6.99 for the paperback on Amazon.co.uk - Click here to buy it now! Alternatively, readers of this website can receive a

To keep up to date with Tony Flood's books – and enjoy loads of laughs – go to YouTube and see the videos under MrTonyxFlood or MrTonyxFlood2227 . For other events that may interest to you, check out Facebook.com/pages/Tony-Flood-books-celebrity-sexy-thriller-fantasy-adventure

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