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A slot is a narrow opening in a machine or container, usually a slot that accepts coins. Slots are also used in computer games, and are found on video game consoles. The slot is a small space that is designed to hold a coin or token, and often features an indicator light to let the player know when it is empty. The term “slot” can also refer to a specific time of day, or a time period during which an activity is scheduled: If you book a flight, you are given a time slot to arrive at the airport.

In football, a slot receiver is a position that lines up on the outside of the field but receives the ball from the quarterback in between the wide receiver and running back. This position is crucial to the success of many teams, as it provides a wide open area for pass receptions and can be very difficult to defend against. In recent years, the NFL has seen a huge spike in slot receiver production, as offenses have come to depend heavily on this position.

As such, a successful slot receiver needs to have excellent hands and top-notch speed. They also need to be able to run every type of route, as they will likely be lining up inside and out, deep, and short. Furthermore, they must be able to block on running plays where they aren’t the ball carrier, as well.