cellsatoms.com - Physical Science Lesson | Science4Us

Description: Engage young minds with interactive activities, fostering a love for learning physical science for kids. Explore concepts for K-2 students with Science4Us.

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Why teach our youngest learners about physical science?  Isn’t physical science really advanced, covering things like E=mc2 and Newton’s laws of gravity?

Yes!  Physical science can be really advanced, but a lot of physical science has to do with how the world around us works. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students may not understand Einstein’s theories, but they know from experience how gravity works–even if they don’t know the name for it.

In the following instructional modules, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students will learn foundational physical science vocabulary words like transformation, location, friction, attract, qualitative, particles, motion and force.