centrifugegroup.com - Centrifuge Group : Enterprise Application, eHealth and Global Training

Description: See why Centrifuge Is Nigeria fastest growing technology solutions warehouse and why it is becoming Africa’s most desired information technology center

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C entrifuge Group develops enterprise application software platform used to operate in a corporate environment such as business or government. These applications are complex, scalable and critical. We can design an enterprise application to manage the affairs of your organization as an on-premise or hosted web-based application at a very competitive rate.

e Health is an emerging field in the connection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies. Centrifuge Group uses eHealth technology to improve access to information or data, reach rural or under-served populations, reduce care delivery costs, and integrate health care services and information which is very significant to health care facilities.

D riving innovation requires optimizing how a company creates, deploys & uses software assets. Discover our wide variety of open source applications, from productivity applications to eHealth applications or email software with higher quality, greater reliability, more flexibility and lower cost at Centrifuge Group and learn more about the benefits of personal and organizational use.