centrumedicaldrblajan.ro - Centru Medical Dr. Blajan – Centru Radiologie

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De-alungul anilor echipa noastra formata din 2 medici radiologi, 2 asistenti de radiologie si 1 administrator al centrului am realizat doar in anul 2020 peste 1920 de radiografii efectuate si peste 480 de ecografii. .shortcode-single-image-wrap.shortcode-single-image-dd8ca6b59e253265ccf0f94c946007f3.enable-bg-rollover .rollover i, .shortcode-single-image-wrap.shortcode-single-image-dd8ca6b59e253265ccf0f94c946007f3.enable-bg-rollover .rollover-video i { background: ; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(); ba

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