cep298.com - CEP Local 298

Description: CEP Local 298, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada

west (1759) paper (1724) forest (1100) timber (1018) pulp (192) fraser (112) kitimat (18) eurocan (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Here are some more crimes against the environment and the workers of British Columbia for story click on burning picture If this is what you see happening with our roads in the north please sign the petition Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Wood Waste and Log Exports on the BC Coast Pine Beetle Logging Strategy Here is the only honest boss in the world 2003 Strike Page CEP Local 298 collective agreement 2003 to 2008  

Hank Ketcham speaking on the 2nd quarter results 2003 at the beginning of the strike Hank Ketcham speaking on the 3rd quarter results 2003 at the end of the strike

It is interesting what Hank Ketcham has to say in both reports about the Skeena Saw Mill in Terrace British Columbia.

Links to cep298.com (1)