Description: Certified Lye sells high-quality sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and chemicals for making soap.
quality (7134) certified (1706) high quality (1070) soap (1052) lye (22) sodium hydroxide (21) potassium hydroxide (13) potassium carbonate (10) buy lye (2) lye sodium hydroxide (1)
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Certified Lye™ sells dry solid lye as 99.99% pure sodium hydroxide microbeads. The remaining .01% of the mass within the canister is water vapor pulled from the air, due to the intense hygroscopic properties of lye. Never leave lye exposed to open air; replace the lid when not in use. If the lid is repeatedly left off of the canister for extended periods of time, the lye microbeads may eventually pull enough water vapor from the air to become moist and the microbeads of lye may cake together.
Certified Lye™ sells an extremely high-quality, food-grade lye, which is manufactured in the USA and is intended primarily for use in processing food and making soap. Our high-quality, food-grade lye meets the FCC and USDA standards for food uses, such as curing olives, hominy, century eggs, lutefisk and poaching German pretzels. Use Certified Lye™ food-grade lye for food preparation and soapmaking. Lower grades of lye are commonly used as drain openers or oven cleaners and may contain unwanted additives.