cestdance.co.uk - Home - C'est Dance & Drama - MFL Dance & Drama Workshops

Description: C’est Dance & Drama Company Run Interactive Dance and Drama Workshops for Children - exploring the culture of European Countries in a new and innovative way - Book your workshop today

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A re you looking for an informative and fun dance workshop for your students that will bring to life the culture of other countries? Would you like to i mmerse your pupils  in the culture and heritage of the countries they are stu dying?

C'est Dance workshops - bring the study of different countries and languages alive with a combination of history, dance, drama and song. Using music and dance performed and taught in traditional national dress our  professional team teach dances with full student participation. We adapt to all ages and Keys Stages, designing each workshop to suit your needs. We pride ourselves on the quality of our unique packages created through extensive research and the high standard of teaching and professionalism.