Description: Champions Acupuncture's traditional treatments bring you extraordinary results with less needles. Specializing in Pain Management, Infertility, PMS, Menopause, Allergies, Sinusitis, Asthma, Digestion disorders and more.
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We are located in the Houston Northwest area FM1960 at Champion Forest Drive. Call for inquiries or consultation: 832-875-2367 We offer traditional Chinese medicine services, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Food therapy, and Acupressure. Specialty: Pain Management Infertility Menopause Allergies Pre-diabetes Irritable Bowel Syndrome Dr. Taili Chou L. Ac. DAOM MAOM Dipl. OM (NCCAOM) Dr. Taili Chou is a Texas medical board licensed acupuncturist. She received a Doctor of Acupuncture and Orient