- Change Gangs

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10 years ago I heard a radio program about giving circles and had a crazy thought -- can I do that? Can I get people to donate with me? And the answer was YES! For the last 9 years a group of people who share my passion for philanthropy have been pooling their small donations, and then donating them as a team.  

The years and the contributions have added up, and with our final donation we've now donated a grand total of $102,348 to great charities around the world!!! Sometimes I’m asked about my favorite charities, but it’s too hard to choose. We’ve given to more than 100 charities in our time together!!  

It's a sad fact of life that all things, even great ones, must come to an end. And Change Gangs is no different. Our philanthropy, however, will continue. Change Gangs has exposed us to some of the incredible work being done across the country and around the world. We’ve learned about interesting projects, powerful results, and supported some charities we would never otherwise have known about. 

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