- Charlbury Morris, Cotswold Morris dancing from the heart of Fieldtown.

Description: Web home of Charlbury Morris, an Oxfordshire Morris side dancing Cotswold Morris.

folk (2949) oxfordshire (994) morris dancing (45) charlbury (11) cotswold morris (4) fieldtown morris (1)

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As Morris sides go, Charlbury Morris is relatively new, having been established in 1984 by men of the town responding to a request for traditional entertainment at a local wedding. It was taught by Dave Rogers, an ‘Ancient Man’† who instructed and played for the fledgling side. From those early roots Morris dancing took hold in Charlbury and has continued ever since. Charlbury Morris are well known as a village 'fun side' (though Charlbury is a town). As in the old days, we learn and respect the ancient tra

In 2000 Charlbury Morris incorporated the dancers and musicians of Finstock Morris, a more ancient side that had encountered the difficulties of recruitment that plague so many contemporary sides. In honour of their long tradition you might notice us being introduced as ‘Charlbury and Finstock Morris’ in certain parts of the shire.

† The Ancient Men are former Oxford University Morris Men (little men) who assemble for May Morning in Oxford to start the summer Morris season and dance short tours in England and elsewhere.