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Charlie Dentel & the Strange Angels is back as a trio made up of myself along with the stellar rhythm section of Rob Avsharian and Serge van der Voo. The music is soulful and at once intimate and groove-filled, evocative, and fun. Check out some highlights of our recent performance at the Tap Room in Ypsilanti.

This year’s Concert of Colors at the UM Detroit Center and Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Music Center was a great time!   CD & the Strange Angels played on the Wolverine Outdoor Stage, along with Sumkali , Isis Damil , Chris Canas Band , DJ Alsultany , Don Was , and many others.  Many vendors and community organizations were lined along Parsons St. and inside the Fisher Center lobbies.  Lots of great music, art, and community building.  We were excited to be there!  Here’s a highlight:

We’re excited to be squeezing into the Old Town Tavern in Ann Arbor on  Sunday, April 30th @8pm.   This will be the first time I’ve played the Old Town with the Strange Angels, so there will be a bunch of new material as well as highlights from my previous two albums  Innocent Things  and  Walls of Stone.   We’ll also toss in some bits from our David Bowie and Prince tributes from last year.  See you there!

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