- Castle Le Porge

Description: Château Le Porge islocated 7 kilometersfrom Saint Emilion in the small village of Moulon. We produceseveralgreat Bordeaux winessuch as Bordeaux Supérieur, Blanc Entre-Deux-Mers, Clairet, Rosé and Crémant de Bordeaux.

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Being an independent winegrower is a real philosophy. The same conviction drives independent winegrowers: to produce wines that respect the environment and society. Château Le Porge, through the Sirac family, has been one of the independent winegrowers since 1990.

The High Environmental Value (HVE) guarantees that the agricultural practices used throughout our operation preserve the natural ecosystem, animal and plant biodiversity and minimize pressure on the environment (soil, water, air, landscape, etc. .). Château Le Porge benefits from the "HVE" designation like 5399 other farms in 2020

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