Description: CHEF GAMA

food (18063) catering (11400) chicago (6072) brisket (197) eventcatering (80) private chef services (8) privatechef (3) elginil (1) smokedbrisket (1) elginbrisket (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We're the best in our field, and it's all thanks to the incredible relationships we've formed with our clients. Unlike our competitors, we're invested in developing a personal connection with each and every one of our customers, by providing quality service and being available to you 24/7. Get in touch with us when you're ready to learn more; we can't wait to meet you!


Un delicioso brisket ahumado cocinado a fuego lento en el condimento de la casa durante 10 horas acompañado con nuestra ensalada de col especial envinada, llena de colores, sabores y texturas, un delicioso macarrón y queso cremoso cargado con trozos de tocino y para colmo suculentos encurtidos, barbacoa de la casa y panecillos! - (Alimenta 12 - 15 adultos, 24 Horas de anticipación requerida.)