- Phosphating Chemical Manufacturer,Industrial Cleaning Chemicals Supplier,Faridabad

Description: CHEM COAT INDIA, One of the prominent Manufacturer and Supplier of Phosphating Chemical and Industrial Cleaning Chemicals based in Faridabad, Haryana, India.

india (9025) haryana (393) faridabad (259) industrial cleaning chemicals (8) phosphating chemical (4) phosphating chemical manufacturer (1) industrial cleaning chemicals supplier (1)

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Know Us Empowered by 24 years of industry experience, consistent and growth oriented business standards, we, Chem Coat India, provide quality chemicals that are used in coating industry and surface painting industry. Started our business operation in 1987, today, we are reckoned as a well known manufacturer and supplier of Pretreatment Chemical, Phosphate Chemical, Metal Surface Treatment Chemical, and more. Processed using phosphoric acid, zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, all these chemicals are offered as p

Conformed Quality