- asecos: C-LINE Chemical cabinets

Description: Chemical cabinets for the storage of aggressive, non-flammable hazardous materials. Large range of door variants and product models for a variety of applications.

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Which model of hazardous substance cabinet do you need? Here you will find basic, brief information on product orientation in the area of asecos safety cabinets. So you can quickly find the right safety cabinet category for your needs to store your hazardous substances.

Safe charging and storage of lithium-ion batteries in type 90 safety cabinets Safe, passive (ION-STORE) and active (ION-CHARGE) storage of lithium-ion batteries in workrooms in accordance with regulations. In the asecos ION-LINE safety cabinets, safe charging of batteries is possible in the fire-protected cabinet interior via high-quality, ready-to-use protective contact sockets. Different equipment variants enable the use of these safety cabinets for every need.