Description: No one ever has to face cancer alone! Chemo Buddies are in every local treatment room every single day. We serve every person that walks through the treatment room door - our friends in the recliners, their friends and loved ones, and sometimes even the staff person who needs a little extra TLC.
cancer (3394) treatment (2770) chemo buddies (7)
Chemo Buddies receives national C2 Catalyst for Care Award.
Eleven years ago I sat in the treatment room with my sister Karen, and while she was receiving her chemo, we brainstormed ideas of how we thought the chemo room could be less fearful and more life affirming.
Three weeks after her death in 2011, I founded Chemo Buddies, putting those thoughts and ideas into our organizational structure. We never dreamed it would become so large and help so many people, we just wanted to make a difference for people when going through the heart breaking diagnosis of cancer.