- Cherry Valley Gardens | Greenhouse | Middleville, MI

Description: We are a full-service garden center. We carry a large selection of flowers, vegetables, hanging baskets, perennials, shrubs, trees, mulch and much more! We use a biological program that protects ourselves, our customers, and animals from toxic chemical exposure. Learn about our best sellers and how to contact us.

flowers (5836) garden (4322) plants (2367) nursery (1948) chemicals (1223) customers (983) mulch (691) greenhouse (643) shrubs (473) annual (315)

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Why Choose Cherry Valley Gardens? Simple... We care for our customers, plants, and animals! We use a Biological program that protects ourselves, our customers, and our pets and pollinator insects such as bees from toxic chemicals exposure.

Why Choose Cherry Valley Gardens? Simple... We care for our customers, plants, and animals! We use a Biological program that protects ourselves, our customers, and our pets and pollinator insects such as bees from toxic chemicals exposure. LEARN MORE BEST SELLERS We would like to highlight some of our favorite newer to the market annuals. We have chosen these varieties because of their amazing summer performance. You cannot go wrong with one of these items. They flower like crazy from spring until the first