- Stuart Cheshire

Example domain paragraphs

I worked at Stanford with David Cheriton's Distributed Systems Group and then with Mary Baker's Mosquitonet research group on wireless networking and mobile computing, using Metricom spread-spectrum packet radios and Linux .

Now I'm at Apple, the emphasis on pure research is less, but I'm still looking at long-term directions. One of my goals is to make IP as easy to set up and use as AppleTalk is now, particularly for home and small business users who don't have an expert network administrator to help them. You can take a couple of desktop Macs, a PowerBook, a network printer, and plug them all into an Ethernet hub, and you've got a working AppleTalk network. There are no addresses to type in, no subnet masks, no gateway addre

I'm also working on an extension to PPP to use COBS framing (see my publications below) to provide more predictable behaviour, and packet preemption for high-priority time-sensitive traffic (like Internet telephone calls).