- Chiara Herzog

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Chiara Herzog Universität Innsbruck • University College London

I’m a translational scientist at the intersection of computational biology and clinical resarch at the European Translational Oncology Prevention and Screening Institute ( EUTOPS ; Universität Innsbruck) and a honorary research fellow at the Institute for Women’s Health (University College London).

My work focuses on the association of epigenetics (DNA methylation) with cancer risk and ageing. I’m passionate about harnessing epigenetics and other biomarkers for risk prediction, early detection, and monitoring of personalized preventive strategies . Currently, I co-lead the clinical TirolGESUND study ( NCT05678426 ) alongside Prof. Martin Widschwendter (UIBK, UCL, Karolinska). This study aims to assess longitudinal changes in the epigenome and other biomarkers of ageing and disease in

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