- Brachytherapy - Chicago Prostate Cancer Center - Duly Health and Care | Duly Health and Care

Description: Providing prostate brachytherapy by Chicago top prostate cancer doctor, Dr. Brian Moran. Chicago Prostate Center, now part of Duly. Schedule with prostate cancer treatment today.

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Brachytherapy Break­through prostate can­cer care.  In 2019, we wel­comed the Chica­go Prostate Cen­ter to Duly Health and Care. The cen­ter, now part of the Duly fam­i­ly, was estab­lished in 1997 by Duly physi­cian, Dr. Bri­an J. Moran. An expe­ri­enced prac­ti­tion­er of prostate brachyther­a­py, Dr. Moran has per­formed thou­sands of prostate seed implants to treat prostate can­cer and has proc­tored physi­cians all over the world. Dr. Moran has been rec­og­nized by the Amer­i­can Brachyther­a­py Soci­e

At Duly Health and Care, our Brachyther­a­py team is here to pro­vide extra­or­di­nary care. Dr. Moran and team are high­ly expe­ri­enced in this field, devel­op­ing evi­­dence-based treat­ment plans using the most cur­rent research data, tai­lored to your indi­vid­ual needs. We are equipped with lead­­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy and advanced diag­nos­tic imag­ing that allows us to deliv­er treat­ments more effec­tive­ly and with pre­ci­sion. In addi­tion to offer­ing brachyther­a­py treat­ment, Dr. Moran was a 

Hematology & Oncology Radiation Oncology Urology Integrated Oncology Program Brachytherapy Team Brian J. Moran, MD 4.9 Brachytherapy, Integrated Oncology Program, Radiation Oncology Westmont Locations Westmont